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Medieval Armies

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100 PIECE MEDIEVAL ARMIES £35.00 plus post

1. Swiss   5 Cavalry   5 Horses   90 Foot
2. Scottish   10 Cavalry   10 Horses   80 Foot
3. English-1350 10 Cavalry   10 Horses   80 Foot
4. Burgundian   10 Cavalry   10 Horses   80 Foot
5. French   10 Cavalry   10 Horses   80 Foot
6. Islamic   10 Cavalry   10 Horses   80 Foot
7. Polish   10 Cavalry   10 Horses   80 Foot
8. Russian   15 Cavalry   15 Horses   70 Foot
9. Italian   15 Cavalry   15 Horses   70 Foot

1. Swiss


2594 Pikeman, sallet, breastplate, kneekops advancing 20
2577 Swiss pike, helmet - light infantry 20
2591 Light infantry, helmet, pike, advancing 20
2594 Pikeman, sallet, breastplate, kneekops advancing 5
2588 Light infantry, helmet, hand gun underarm firing 10
2589 Light infantry, helmet, crossbow, firing 5
2590 Light infantry, helmet, Arquebus at shoulder firing 10
2612 Gothic Knight, super heavy cavalry, full plate armour 5
M6 Gothic Half-Plate Horse 5
Total 100

2. Scottish


2564 Longbowman, hooded jerkin, firing 10
2563 Light infantry, helmet, pole-axe 20
2586 Infantryman, pole-axe, helmet, mail corselet jack 15
2560 Peasant, light infantry 10
2561 Peasant, swinging weapon, light infantry 10
2562 Peasant, advancing, arming cap, light infantry 10
2521 Heavy infantry, helmet, Lamellar corselet, shield, spear and axe 5
2616 Borderhorse, spear 6
2606 Knight, full mail, leg armour, sugar loaf helm,heater shield 4
M1 Standard Horse 10
Total 100

3. English


2576 English longbow, mail, helmet, buckler 15
2581 Man at Arms, pike, plate armour - heavy infantry 10
2564 Longbowman, hooded jerkin, firing 15
2582 Man at Arms, pole-axe, plate armour 10
2559 Longbowman, padded Gambeson, firing 15
2579 English bill, mail, helmet - medium infantry 15
2606 Knight, full mail, leg armour, sugar loaf helm,heater shield 5
2604 Knight, full mail, knee cups, surcoat kettle helm, heater shield 5
M1 Standard Horse 10
Total 100

4. Burgundian


2585 Longbow, helmet, mail corselet, jack 20
2588 Light infantry, helmet, hand gun underarm firing 10
2589 Light infantry, helmet, crossbow, firing 10
2577 Swiss pike, helmet - light infantry 10
2594 Pikeman, sallet, breastplate, kneekops advancing 5
2591 Light infantry, helmet, pike, advancing 10
2590 Light infantry, helmet, Arquebus at shoulder firing 15
2612 Gothic Knight, super heavy cavalry, full plate armour 5
2616 Borderhorse, spear 5
M1 Standard Horse 10
Total 100

5. French


2580 French crossbow, mail, helmet 25
2581 Man at Arms, pike, plate armour 10
2582 Man at Arms, pole-axe, plate armour 10
2586 Infantryman, pole-axe, helmet, mail corselet jack 10
2560 Peasant, light infantry
2561 Peasant, swinging weapon, light infantry
2562 Peasant, advancing, arming cap, light infantry
} 25
2604 Knight, full mail, knee cups, surcoat kettle helm, heater shield 4
2606 Knight, full mail, leg armour, sugar loaf helm,heater shield 4
2608 Knight, half plate armour, greta helm 2
M1 Standard Horse 8
M2 Cloth Barded Horse 2
Total 100

6. Islamic


2501 Arab infantryman, shield and spear 20
2502 Arab infantryman, bow and shield 20
2503 Berber infantryman (late) Javelin and shield 20
2504 Negro infantryman, round shield and spear 20
2510 Light Berber/Bedouin, shield and spear 3
2512 Saracen mounted bowman - light 3
2514 Mamluk/Saracen, chain mail, spear and lance 2
2515 Mamluk/Moor, Kaftan covered chain mail, Kite shield, quiver and bow in case, spear and lance 2
M1 Standard Horse 10
Total 100

7. Polish


2520 Peasant infantry, bow in case wooden shield, throwing axe 20
2521 Heavy infantry, helmet, Lamellar corselet, shield, spear and axe 40
2522 Peasant bowman, axe - Light infantry 20
2530 Light cavalry, Spisa (spear), axe bow and shield 4
2532 Heavy cavalry, no body armour, helmet and shield 2
2533 Kazak light cavalry 2
2613 Polish Knight, winged helm 2
M1 Standard Horse 8
M2 Cloth Barded Horse 2
Total 100

8. Russian


2520 Peasant infantry, bow in case wooden shield, throwing axe 18
2521 Heavy infantry, helmet, Lamellar corselet, shield, spear and axe 34
2522 Peasant bowman, axe - Light infantry 18
2530 Light cavalry, Spisa (spear), axe bow and shield 6
2531 Heavy cavalry, chain mail corselet helmet and shield 3
2532 Heavy cavalry, no body armour, helmet and shield 4
2533 Kazak light cavalry 2
M1 Standard Horse 15
Total 100

9. Italian


2581 Man at Arms, pike, plate armour 20
2582 Man at Arms, pole-axe, plate armour 20
2584 Infantryman, mail corselet, jack, helmet crossbow 10
2593 Hand gunner,jack, sallet, plate arm & leg armour 20
2609 Knight, full plate sallet, lance 4
2610 Heavy cavalryman, Gambeson, sallet, leg plates 3
2611 Heavy cavalryman, Gambeson, open sallet knee boots 3
2612 Gothic Knight, super heavy cavalry, full plate armour 3
2615 Borderhorse, crossbow 2
M1 Standard Horse 12
M6 Gothic Half-Plate Horse 3
Total 100


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